English - reading


Our recent OFSTED report (September 2023) noted that, 'The reading curriculum is well thought through and well taught. Leaders provide training so staff know how to teach phonics effectively. Lessons are clearly structured. Pupils throughout the school enjoy reading. They talk with enthusiasm about the real-life stories and books which are on offer. Staff identify pupils who are not keeping up with their phonic knowledge. They provide extra help to make sure that these pupils catch up quickly with their peers.'



At St John's we aim to develop a life long love of reading through the reading curriculum which progresses through a child's time at school. This is complimented by sharing great literature through daily class reading. 

At St John's we use the Ready Steady Phonics scheme for phonics: https://www.readysteadyphonics.co.uk/

The scheme is used until children are fluent and we have a consistent approach to reading following training for all staff. 

Children will receive a reading book based on their phonics learning which will be fully decodable. We encourage you to continue to read to your child as well and will provide support with this during your time at St John's. 

As a parent you will have access to the online library of support for parents - use the web link above. If you lose your login please ask us at school.

We will update this page with parent guides and videos soon. 

We have parent sessions on phonics throughout the year and this will help you to support your child at home.



As children progress from Ready Steady Phonics through Y1 and Y2 we introduce them to our whole school reading scheme: VIPERS. This helps to ensure children are also being taught to develop their reading comprehension. Children will read a wide range of literature throughout their time at St John's building their understanding of reading. Our main aim is that they become lovers of reading and books. 

VIPERS stands for






Sequence or Summarise

You can find more information on the scheme by visiting the website: https://www.literacyshedplus.com/en-us/browse/reading-vipers



Each classroom has its own books suited to the needs and interests of the children. Staff read a class book to the children each day. Sometimes these tie in with the topic and often they are simply a wonderful book the children will love. 

We encourage lots of reading through providing good books and we reward children with our half termly reading raffle events. We also host a wonderful book week to coincide with national book day which celebrates a brillant book across the school. In March 2023 we celebrated the wonderful book, Proudest Blue. 


If you are finding it hard to choose a book then check out the following website: https://www.booksfortopics.com/booklists/branching-out/

It has lots of brilliant links to books for all ages and interests. 

There is a link to a series of posters below where you can find great books based on the ones you like. For example, if you love Harry Potter then check out the Harry Potter branching out poster for lots of other books to try. There are lots more examples on the website above too. 

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St John The Evangelist Church of England Primary School

Ivy Road,
SK11 8QN
Charlotte Fox (bursar) 01625428222 [email protected]
SENCo Mrs Kay Clarke
Headteacher Mr Mark Harrison