
We are very lucky with our children at St John's and are very proud of the regular comments, emails and cards we have from visitors about our children's behaviour. Our recent Ofsted noted that, 'Classrooms are calm and orderly. Pupils listen carefully in lessons and work well together. Lessons are rarely disrupted by poor behaviour. On occasions when pupils become distracted, staff use a range of strategies effectively to manage pupils’ individual needs. Pupils behave sensibly as they move around the school. They know the school rules and most pupils adhere to them.'

We are embarking on a journey with our behaviour policy this academic year (23-24) and beyond. Our first step has been to introduce three simple rules: Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe. We will be sharing more as we move forward to ensure that we have a simple, clear and consistent system to match our high expectations and support those who need it. 

In school we use a simple behaviour tracker to support teachers giving out 'points' for positive behaviour. This also means we can monitor the progress of the children in this area and provide support where it is needed. The privacy policy for the app is available below and if you have any questions/concerns then please speak to the class teacher as a first port of call. Mrs Wilby is our behaviour lead and you get in touch with any staff via the school office.



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St John The Evangelist Church of England Primary School

Ivy Road,
SK11 8QN
Charlotte Fox (bursar) 01625428222 [email protected]
SENCo Mrs Kay Clarke
Headteacher Mr Mark Harrison